Sunday, August 5, 2012

Final Instruction Zine

Open publication - Free publishing - More art education

After reading through the last rendition a few times, Melodee and I decided that it need just a few more images. I made four simple line-drawings and rearranged some spreads. I think the finished product has a better rhythm to it, and does not feel as rushed. The lesson has four distinct parts, and the reader needs a few spots to rest on between them.

Flip thorugh & take a look. Thanks!


Saturday, July 28, 2012

Catalyst 4 Chemistry: Educational Poster

Max created a poster to help educate the kids about sustainability and how it works. I got to create the same thing in my own personal style and I like how it turned out. First I started out with sketches and I narrowed it down to one design I wanted. I knew that I wanted the sustainable loop to be the most important.

After I choose how I wanted to lay it out I began illustrating different ideas for hand drawn type as well as all the little illustrations that were to be included in the poster.

Finally I used illustrator to color the images I created and I moved them over to InDesign to lay them out. I ended up with this finished poster that I'm pretty proud of.

Clarissa H.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Illustrating A Lesson Part I

Based on my experience working with the first group of kids, I wrote out a lesson plan similar to what we had the first group do, but with more emphasis on the ideas of metaphor and symbolism.
The lesson plan is laid out in a zine with five illustrations.
I am still working on the zine, but you can check out these progress shots and the illustrations.

work space-in progress painting

I tried to capture the the intended audience in the illustrations and based the characters off of the kids we worked with. The color palette is bright and tertiary to create an inviting dimension to  effectively communicate ideas. The loose style I chose to render in is meant to inspire spontaneity and creativity. 

Top left: Front Cover
Left: Half page illustration

The illustration at left visualizes the main concept of the lesson plan, merging to objects into one through drawing or writing to create a new third object.

The lay-out of the zine is simple and airy, to fit with the illustrations, and also not to overpower any creative thoughts the teacher(s) or students may have. I chose a hand drawn font for headings and large text congruent with the illustration style. A simple, easy to read, and classic font is used for all of the body text. The two-style type combination is effective, and again is in line with the rest of the design and imagery. Here's a screen shot of the zine as it stands:

It's a small screenshot, but the general idea is there. While not finished yet, I'm not far from completion either, and am ahead of schedule. Some small decorative elements that are taken from the illustrations will be added in a few spots to finish out the design. These decorative elements could be a class room chair, a bamboo border around some text or some rope looping its way though an open space. If you've got an idea for me or any healthy criticisms, please tell me.


Final Iteration of Poster

After meeting with Melodee and hearing what our friends at the University had to say as well as my team-mates, I made the final adjustments to the poster.  With some reorganizing and rephrasing of some text, I was able to finish the poster. It has come a long way!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Changed some things from the original design and made it look more like a rubix cube. I'm not too happy with how the type is and I'm working on improving it so that it's legible and sits nicely. I probably will do a few more small changes.

Clarissa H.

Reiterating the Poster

After presenting to our University of Minnesota friends and the kids, I received some good feedback on the first poster design. One kid liked it so much he wanted one to take home. These were the suggestions:

  • Even bigger image and smaller/fewer text
  • More colorful
  • And Melodee suggested that I try to make more in the vein of my other work
So I went back to the drawing boards and ditched the horizontal format for a larger vertical one-and this is how it went:
My other illustration focusses on using hand drawn textures and hand lettering
as well as variety in line-work color.

I also have an affinity for rustic things and nature. The wood planks are in line with
my style and help to push and pull the 2D space. Likewise, the vine in the lower right corner adds more invitation to the poster an reinforces the idea of the sustainable loop.

I consolidated the text into one streamlined
paragraph with a two reinforcing notes. The addition of purple and a creamy yellow also serve to make the poster easier on the eyes as well as more colorful (purple being a suggested color by the kids).

The zigzag line has been changed to a long vertical line which more effectively kanotes a finite cycle.

I added a question at the end challenging the reader (young students) to start taking steps to improve their sustainability by reducing, reusing, and recycling, using sustainable products and inferring that science is the integral key to advancing clean technology.

This poster is very different from the first rendition, but still holds onto the successful parts of its predecessor such as the line paper, collegiate-style font, and original illustrations.


Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Illustration: "Green Chemistry"

This is the sketch from one of the middle school students that inspired the process of for the following illustration...

colored sketch

first detailed sketch

More simplified version (added background color
to show transparency for these few versions).

This version includes measurement lines unlike the other.

Here are other variations of the concept with small changes in detail...

Rubik's Cube

I have been working on a rubik's cube design that has imagery relating to environmental issues. Here are a few pieces from the first draft of the design. The top view shows a portion of a lovely city, while the sides show what lies just below it.

The idea came from a sketch a student named Elijah did while we were working on logos. Though it was too complicated for a logo it is a good idea for a toy!

Clarissa H.

Original Sketch


Creating an Educational Poster

Generating ideas for mark, logo and name. I started by sketching out some of these ideas:

I showed these sketches to the students and had them start trying to letter in interesting ways. Using color instead of black and white, like the early stages with this group was a big help; the students were much more enthusiastic about color.

Next up, I worked with three students to get feedback on what would make a good poster explaining the oil cycle and sustainable cycle. Theses were their suggestions: 
  • Bullet points
  • Larger than US letter size
  • Clear drawings, less photographs
  • Fewer links
  • More breathing room, less cluttered lay out
I then had them thumbnail some layouts for the poster after sketching a few examples for them.
here are some pages from that session:

From here I was able to start sketching some elements out and begin on the poster, here are those sketches (my favorite to draw were the oil rigs):

The first draft of the poster:

Second draft:

We will be showing this to the students today to get more feedback and ideas for a mascot to go in the space below the logo. We will also get feedback from some chemists to make sure our wording is clear, and gives enough information.
